Friday, October 29, 2010


    ACCUSED OF SPYING IN CENTRAL SOMALIA - An al-Qaeda linked Somali group executed two teenage girls accused of spying yesterday in a public square as hundreds of people watched on. Ayan Mohamed Jama, 18, and Huriyo Ibrahim, 15 were tried by the group’s courts and shot by 10 masked men after being accused of spying for government soldiers fighting the Islamist group. Residents said they were dragooned into watching the event and expressed disgust at have to witness the murder of the girls. “Everyone was very sorry for the young girls who were killed in front of hundreds,” said one resident of the town. Another witness said: “The group informed the population that a punishment was going to be carried out in public on two women they claimed had been found guilty of spying, I didn’t know they were planning to shoot them”. “The two girls were sitting on the ground with their hands tied behind their back. Then a group of fighters covered their faces and shot them from behind,” he said. “It was shocking, the girls were so young. They looked so desperate but nobody could help them.”

    “We captured those ladies from Hiiran region, they were spying to Ethiopian and Somali governments, if we saw anybody who spying, he/she will face the sharia law,” said Al-Shabaab regional commander. Militia members had toured the Beletweyne’s streets, informing residents about the pending executions by loudspeaker and ordering everyone to attend. Al Shabaab has imposed a draconian Taliban-style religious regime on areas of Somalia under its control. The group has vowed to overthrow the Western-backed Somali transitional government that has been established to forestall the spread of militant influence in the failed Horn of Africa state.

    Somalia's Islamist insurgents, the Al Shabab, has executed two teenagers after deciding that they were spies. Through big loudspeakers, they ordered people to gather in the center of town to witness the execution. According to Vedic principles, a woman, a brahmana, an old man, a child and a cow should never be killed. In the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam we learn that Kamsa, although he was a great enemy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and a powerful demon, knew very well that one suffers in the next life according to the karmas of this life, and therefore he was afraid of killing Devaki, since she was a woman, she was his sister, and she was pregnant. But nowadays people are crueler than those demons of the Vedic times, and now they do not hesitate to kill innocent women in public.

    Kamsa considered that if he killed his sister, while living he would be condemned by everyone, and after death he would go to the darkest region of hellish life because of his cruelty. It is said that a cruel person like a butcher is advised not to live and not to die. While living, a cruel person creates a hellish condition for his next birth, and therefore he should not live; but he is also advised not to die, because after death he must go to the darkest region of hell. Thus in either circumstance he is condemned. Kamsa, therefore, having good sense about the science of the soul’s transmigration, deliberately refrained from killing Devaki. … Although the body is temporary, it always gives one trouble in many ways, but human civilization is now unfortunately based on tanu-mānī, the bodily concept of life, by which one thinks, “I belong to this nation,” “I belong to this group,” “I belong to that group,” and so on. Each of us has his own ideas, and we are becoming increasingly involved, individually, socially, communally and nationally, in the complexities of karmānubandha, sinful activities.

    Śrīla A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda :
    “The Śrīmad Bhāgavatam”
    Purport in Canto 10, Chapter 2:
    “Prayers by the Demigods for Lord Krishna in the Womb” - Text 22.

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