Wednesday, October 20, 2010


    ( - In South American countries such as Argentina, the fashion of “light” food began in the mid 80’s. A decade later, with the opening of imports, food became known as “Diet” in the U.S. and other countries. Therefore, it is a commonplace to use these names and many times consumers use the terms “Dietetic,” “Light” and “Diet” to name food primarily designed or intended for weight reduction. The term “diet” food should be use to indicate the one which has undergone some changes in its composition to meet nutritional needs and it is aimed to feed certain population groups. However, “diet” does not necessarily mean that the product is reduced in caloric value. Dietary foods are gluten-free food for coeliacs, infant foods, fortified foods, dietary supplements and foods modified in their carbohydrate composition and / or lipid / or protein and / or mineral and / or energy value. So, the word “Diet” may generate confusion among consumers, because “Light”, “Low”, “Mild”, “Reduced” are applied to different aspects, such as energy, carbohydrates, sugars, total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium.

    It is a fact that certain “Light” food does not necessarily express that it is low in calories. For example, in the market there are low-fat cookies that meet the requirements for the “Light-fat”, but whose calorific value is sometimes greater than the traditional cookie because they possess higher percentage of carbohydrates. In conclusion, it is important to understand that the association “Light” as “weight reduction” or “low-calorie diet” is not correct.

    Therefore, it is vital to read carefully the labels, in order to be able to make the appropriate choices based on our real requirements and tastes. And, of course, it will be significant to incorporate these products in our daily diet as part of a comprehensive plan of feeding, changing habits and physical exercise included.

    When the market offers products labeled as "Light", the consumer must pay particular attention to the label, and try to understand the difference between healthy or wholesome food and food which is low in fat. It is therefore necessary that foodstuffs companies clearly specify which is the nutrient or energy value that has changed, and which percentage of the reduction has made. Western culture would find in Ayurvedic medicine full knowledge about how to stay healthy. Ayurveda is Lord Śrī Krishna’s sacred medicine revealed by Him to Lord Brahma at the dawn of creation. Later, this science was revealed to the souls of the material world by the Lord Himself in His Dhanvantari incarnation.

    The human body is composed of five elements of dense material energy or maha-bhutas: earth (prithvi), water (apa), fire (agni), air (vayu) and ether (akash), and three modes of material nature: goodness (sattva), passion (raja) and ignorance (tamas). The combination of these eight elements made up three subtle energies or humours, which are the responsible for the peculiarities of each individual. These energies, in Sanskrit are known with the name of tridosha, and it consists of three doshas, called: vata-dosha, pitta-dosha and kapha-dosha. ... The tridosha directs and controls all our bodily functions (creation, development, maintenance, longevity and cell tissue destruction and elimination of waste products) and mental functions (fear, anger, greed, sorrow, pain, compassion and love, among others.) The tridosha is the foundation of the physical and psychological existence of man. When functioning normally, the tridosha is the body's immune and protective structure, but when it is unbalanced, disease appears.

    Yoga Inbound :
    “Health Inbound” - “Nutrition Inbound”
    “The Three Subtle Energies or Tridosha”
    Radha Charan d.d. -

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