Thursday, July 14, 2011


    India (By Sri Dr. S.P. Sabharathnam) - The huge treasure unearthed in the Anantapadma Nabha Swami Temple should be handled very, very carefully.  What the temple authorities should have done first is the systematic performance of Svarnakarshana Bhairva Yagna and Nidhipati (Kubera) Yagna to get the permission from the concerned Deities to lay their hands on the treasure. Such rules are found in the Agamas. They have not done these yagnas.  As per the directions given in the Agamas under the chapter on “Mulakosa Bhakta Vivarana” (Allocation of the Divine Treasure) the treasure belongs solely to the Temple. Neither the Ruler of the country nor any other [human] supreme authority has a right to claim it.  The Agamas indicate that such treasure may not even have been deposited by humans. They may have appeared upon the performance of certain yagnas that could had taken place centuries before.
    (1.) Golds and diamonds should be preserved as “Mulakosa” and from the interest available from this Kosa , one part should be utilized for the timely renovations and maintenance of the temple. These gold and diamond items should not be sold.  (2.) One part should be for education in general and education of Vedic and Agamic studies in particular.  (3.) One part should be for maintaining health centers and hospitals.  (4.) One part for maintaining Gosala and Gajasala.  (5.) One part for maintaining Gardens and flower plants for the temple.  (6.) One part for conducting the monthly festivals and yearly grand festivals (mahotsavas) without violation or omission.  (7.) One part for large scale anna dana(providing food for all the devotees).  (8.) One part for maintaining irrigation system and temple tank.  (9.) One part for the maintenance of other temples which are in need of financial help.  (10.) One part for the performance of Vedic Yagnas.  In this way, the directions continue further.

    Why would the government demand that the vaults of the private Padmanabhaswami temple be opened?  It includes hundreds of golden chairs, jars and jeweled crowns, thousands of precious gems, sacks full of gold coins, and an image of Vishnu studded with 1,000 diamonds.  What to make of the priceless treasures?  Hindu shrines receive no government subsidies for their maintenance, and the idea of India’s government confiscating their treasure is thankfully anathema (sacrilege) to most observers.  This issue and other topics are detailed in the Agamas which are authorized Vedic Scriptures. 

    Agamas are the Smriti scriptures that were written as operating instructions  for Hindu worship in the three main sects of Hindu faith. These scriptures are the manuals for the construction of temples and installation of the idols, and for conducting various rituals, worship ceremonies (pujas), and festivals.   There are three different sets of these scriptures:  Shaiva Agamas - worship of Lord Shiva; Vaishnava Agamas - worship of Lord Vishnu and Shakti Agamas - worship of many goddesses. ... For Hindus, the temple is pivotal to all spiritual and religious activity. It is said that the Hindu temple is built on the design of human body. ... The Agamas contain several references for temple construction. Even the site of the temple is chosen carefully, which must be auspicious, or shubha. The idols of deities are made with special instructions.

    Dr. Hiro Badlani:
    “Hinduism - Path of the Ancient Wisdom”
    Chapters 5 and 57 -

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