Friday, July 8, 2011


    ADULTS GETTING FATTER EACH YEAR - America continues to get fatter, according to a comprehensive new report on the nation’s weight crisis. Statistics for 2008-2010 show that 16 states are experiencing steep increases in adult obesity, and none has seen a notable downturn in the last four years.  Meanwhile, cases of Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure that health experts have long warned would result from the nation’s broadening girth and sedentary ways are becoming increasingly widespread, according to the report, titled “F as in Fat,” released Thursday. Even Coloradans, long the nation’s slimmest citizens, are gaining excess pounds. With an obese population of 19.8% - it is the only state with an adult obesity rate below 20% -.  Colorado remains the caboose on the nation’s huffing, puffing train to fat land. But in just the last four years, the ranks of the obese even in Colorado have grown 0.7%. Colorado’s hypertension rates have risen significantly as well, to 21.2% of adults.
    The report, prepared by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Trust for America’s Health, is their sixth annual state-by-state accounting of obesity.  In the last 15 years, the report said, adult obesity rates have doubled or nearly doubled in 17 states. Two decades ago, not a single state had an obesity rate above 15%. Now all states do.  Obesity remains a condition disproportionately affecting those with poor education and income, and closely tied to minority status. Among African American adults, obesity topped 40% in 15 states. Among Latinos, it topped 30% in 23 states.  Nearly a third of high school dropouts are obese, compared with 21.5% of those who graduated from college or technical school.

    A comprehensive state-by-state report titled ‘F as in Fat’ shows that obesity rates continue to climb, along with diabetes and high blood pressure.  The report is based on surveys conducted annually to gauge how Americans’ behavior affects their health. Carried out by the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health, the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System culls information from more than 1.2 million American adults.  This happens not only in the U.S.  In almost all developed countries, 50% of the population is overweight.  We must learn to feed and be disciplined about the amount of food we eat.

    We eat and drink with discipline, moderation and regularity, because our vitality and strength do not depend on the amount you eat, but on what our body can digest and assimilate. The stomach needs space to work, so it only should be filled two thirds of its capacity, leaving the remaining third for air. This helps a lot to digest. Overeating produces many additional toxins that the body should be removed with great effort.  Digestion begins with chewing. ... We must acquire the habit of eating slowly; savoring much more each bite, and then a healthy instinct will announce we’re satisfied. ... Eating in moderation will also satisfy and refresh the mind, and you seek a real harmony to your body. If you eat too much, overloaded his body is shaken, tired, and ultimately hinder your mind.

    Yoga Inbound :
    “Health Inbound” - “Nutrition Inbound”
    “The Art of Eating - Eat in Moderation”
    Radha Charan d.d. -

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