Monday, August 16, 2010


    IS ONE OF THE KEYS TO STOP SUFFERING - Some Eastern mystics claim that by the act of mentally discarding worldly connections, people achieve an attitude that provides a greater physical and psychological equilibrium. They often compare a happy life with water, in the sense that if we keep our hand open, the liquid rests on your palm, but when we catch it and treasure it, the water slip through our fingers. So, they say, to be happier is to stop sticking to things and let life naturally flow. This lack of passion, interest or inclination of objects, situations or people does not mean shutting out the world or social life, but not obsessively clinging to the material or possessions. According to the Hindu thinker Deepak Chopra, detachment is one of the main principles which nature applied in order to create all that exists. Thus, to act in harmony with this natural law is one of the keys to realize our dreams.

    Although it may seem a contradiction, in order to achieve anything in the physical universe we have to give up the feeling of attachment to that thing: without giving up the intention of creating our desire, we should abandon our attachment to the result, says Deepak Chopra.

    In addition to Chopra’s vision, there are other ways to understand and cultivate detachment from a spiritual or psychological perspective. For yoga teacher Sonia C. Iniesta, “the detachment is indifference to the objects we perceive through the senses and which cause us pleasure, both present and future. While the attachment binds human beings to the earth, detachment frees us from mental slavery to material, as it is an attitude that sharpens the mind and becomes it reflexive,” she says. To cultivate the habit of detachment and flow naturally with life, Iniesta recommends eating and living in a simple way, practicing discernment and reflection, experiencing moments of silence throughout the day and to remain separated, where possible, from futile and perishable objects.

    The real purpose of all our efforts should be to achieve the ultimate goal of life. And since this is the self-realization, one must perform two combined processes: detachment of material labor and in turn, adhere to the work of the process of Krishna consciousness. Detachment from matter comes first, then attachment to Krishna will be manifested and it will free us from material attachment.

    The practice of detachment (vairagya) which is practiced before taking to bhakti is also a type of karma. Only the unmotivated, direct desire of the soul to serve Krsna is seen in the activities of bhakti. .... The householder should perform only activities leading to the spiritual goal, and not involve himself in the sinful activities of the materialist. He should show appropriate compassion for all jivas. Considering himself fallen, he should give proper respect to all others, not demanding respect from others. The householder, being unattached to family life, should blend it with things related to Krsna. Accepting only what is necessary, he should practice relishing the chanting of the name. When the taste for Krsna becomes strong and the taste of material enjoyment becomes completely destroyed, a natural sense of detachment will arise due to absence of material attachment.

    Śrīla Saccidananda Bhaktivinoda Thākura :
    “Mahaprabhura Siksa - Caitanya Siksamrta”
    Chapter 10 : “Sadhana of the Jiva, Pure Bhakti”
    Bhaktivedanta Memorial Library

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