Tuesday, June 22, 2010


    www.psychcentral.com/news/- When a person gets angry it is often possible to see them physically tense up, but now researchers have found out what else is going on inside the body. The new study analyzed the biochemical reactions that occur in a person's body when they are angry, right down to the cellular level. Anger not only boosts the heart rate, makes arteries tense up and increases the production of the hormone testosterone, it actually causes levels of the stress hormone cortisol to fall, the researchers report. For the study, Neus Herrero, a researcher at the University of Valencia in Spain, and colleagues made 30 men angry through the use of 50 first-person phrases known to provoke the emotion. Herrero's team measured the men's biochemical activity before and after they became upset. Interestingly, the study authors found that anger tends to stimulate the left hemisphere of the brain, the side associated with positive emotions related to closeness. Increased activity in that part of the brain generally results in a desire for closeness rather than the withdrawal triggered by negative emotions.

    The positive emotions, like happiness, are usually associated to a motivation of closeness, and the negative ones, like fear and sadness, are characterized by a motivation of withdrawal. However, not all emotions behave in accordance with this connection. “The case of anger is unique because it is experienced as negative but, often, it evokes a motivation of closeness”, the expert explains. In other words, when we get angry, our asymmetric cerebral response is measured by the motivation of closeness to the stimulus that causes us to be angry and not so much by the fact we consider this stimulus as negative: “When we get angry we show a natural tendency to get closer to what made us angry to try to eliminate it”, Neus Herrero concludes.

    The study reveals that anger provokes profound changes in the state of mind and in psychobiological parameters: heart rate, arterial tension and testosterone, etc. It is clear that we are tied hand and foot in this material world, and that only a Vaishnava can save us from the ever-increasing insatiable lusts, anger, covetousness, illusion and egotism.

    Souls under the thralldom of Maya are the slaves of sixfold passions. Those who can effectively succeed in conquering all these six passions can master the whole world. These impulses are (1) an uncontrollable tendency for idle gossip, (2) various undesirable speculations of the wavering mind, (3) proneness to uncontrollable anger, (4) unusual desire for satisfying the tongue with delicious varieties of food, (5) longing for excessive eating, and (6) sexual appetite. These six impulses are highly detrimental to the development of devotion. Hence, with utmost patience, they are to be abandoned in the daily life of one aspiring after Bhakti. As long as the human body continues to exist till death, a sincere aspirant should make all earnest efforts to check the inimical incitements by engaging them in the service of the Lord.

    Śrīla Bhakti Vaibhava Purī Mahārāj :
    “Guru and Atma Nivedan”
    ‘Activities Favourable to Devotional Progress’
    Bhakti Vigyan Nityananda Book Trust
    Śrī Krishna Chaitanya Mission.

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